White Velvet

"Created from the real drink by Disoronno"

A recipe by FlavorChaser

February 13th 2021 16:00

"Mix and wait 10 days"

1 348 1

So I am an amaretto disoronno freak and when they came out with white velvet I needed this as a vape (drunken squirrels are annoying). So obviously I started with
Wf Amaretto which is spot on in smell and taste but is not upfront in the drink so I held it back
Vta Chocolate mousse was needed as the very first sip I took of this heavenly drink chocolate hit me in my buds but not a heavy chocolate and airy milky chocolate which the mousse fit perfectly.
FA Marzipan was used for a hint of sweetness.
Fw Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is perfect (my fave) as it's rich and creamy
Vta Devon cream just to really thicken it up and that little note of chocolate
FA fresh cream.... Just because
I hope you enjoy this mix

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Newest Comment (1)

2024-10-06 03:07:20
I am also a huge fan of Disaranno Velvet and have attempted a vape version a few times without much success. After steeping this is really close to the original Cream Liqueur. I do feel as if the chocolate is a little too forward even after a steep. I am going to attempt to add a bit of White Chocolate to the mix to see if it lightens the chocolate note from the Chocolate Mousse. Oh and I also added just a hint of VT Light Rum which gave the mix that slight back of the throat warming sensation like I get from the original drink. Excellent recipe