Strawberry ๐Ÿ“ rice Krispy treats Rev-2.0

"your favorite marshmallow and cereal treats with strawberries"

A recipe by Slushy

January 14th 2021 20:13

"Mix and wait 5 days"

14 495 0
Strawberry ๐Ÿ“ rice Krispy treats Rev-2.0
Cereal 27 - Capella 4.00 %
Cream - Flavorah 1.00 %
Hazelnut - Flavor West 0.75 %
Marshmallow - Flavour Art 4.00 %
Shisha Strawberry - Inawera 1.00 %
Strawberry (Red Touch) - Flavour Art 2.00 %
Super Sweet - Capella 0.25 %
Total Flavour13.00%

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