S'mores and Ice Cream ELR 5X5 Flavorah Contest

"My entry into the ELR 5X5 Flavorah Contest"

A recipe by SessionDrummer

December 21st 2024 01:27

"Mix and wait 1 week"

1 116 1

Alright, it's NO SECRET that I am a S'mores-head. I remember asking Olin during the initial discussions about recipe contests, if I could enter a S'mores, and he said, "Yes, if it meets the criteria".

Well, BOOM, here it is. My FIRST,
Chocolate Ice Cream and S'mores recipe.

Love her, or hate her, there is no disputing, the Queen of Flavorah
SmokyBlue. Respect to her, and her mixing prowess, especially with Flavorah. I can only hope to become half as good as her with FLV flavors.

I am not there yet, BUT, we'll just see .....

**** The Issues: ****

Flavorah isn't known for their bakery, or Ice Cream flavors, so this WAS a challenge for me. No easy, grab the LB VIC and just let it rip, so I decided to try a Chocolate Ice Cream and S'mores. Yes, I've NEVER tried to make a Choco Ice Cream ANYTHING, let alone pairing it with S'mores.

I've always had problems working with Flavorah's Graham Cracker, with it's light coconut, and lack of cinnamon notes.

Chocolates, are just HARD, period.

Flavorah doesn't have have any direct ice cream flavors.

**** The Solutions, and Run Down ****

The Crackers -- Pairing the FLV Graham Cracker and FLV Cookie have proven to help build a "sturdier" Graham Cracker, and help alleviate most of the short comings.

The Chocolates -- FLV's Rock and Road absolutely handles the Chocolate Ice Cream base, and the FLV Milk Chocolate handles the S'mores chocolate.

The Mallows -- The FLV Marshmallow paired with the FLV Marshmallow Vanilla work together to fatten up the Mallow, as well as pulling some from the Rock and Road as well.

The Binder -- The FLV Vanilla Pudding helps to act as a binder to pull it all together, add a light creaminess, and some additional Vanilla, which along with the FLV Vanilla Marshmallow helps to offset some of the Graham Cracker issues.

The Sweetness -- Yeah, just there to push it up a notch, and add some sweetness, because after all, we're talking S'mores and Ice Cream here.

Steep Times -- This one starts to really PULL together after at least 3 days, but 5 days steeping won't hurt it either.


The chocolates were the hardest to get right here, and if you really let it soak when you're testing it, it actually shifts as you move through the vape. Not at all cloying, bitter, or off-putting, even for NOT chocolate vapers.

All in, even with the limited time I had, I'm very pleased with this one, and I think you guys will like it as well. It smells GREAT in the bottle, tastes great, and pushes a HELLUVA room note.

TBH I could easily make this one up using other MFG flavors, and would have used a completely different approach, but this one, IS, a keeper.

ALL derivation. and branch testing done on (I know, I know), the Beloved Steam Crave RDTA v.1 running dual vertical Kanthal 24 ga. 6 wrap coils, and fresh Koh Gen Do cotton. All construction and testing done at 65 watts, but I fully suspect, it is SOO well put together, it will/would survive varying wattages well.

Glad I was able to just BARELY squeak this one in, at the last minute for this contest. I'm actually VERY looking forward to sharing this one, after the contest is over.

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Newest Comment (1)

2025-01-07 14:02:21
Well done, SD. This looks like a great recipe. I might need to top up my FLV stash a bit.