Vanilla Pudding by Flavorah

"Vanilla Pudding flavouring concentrate formulated from the ground up for manufacturing and creating DIY recipes. Analog to vanilla custard with slight variation in the tone and finish. Uses vanilla to mellow other flavours."

Average Rating: 3.50 / 5

Used in 103 public recipes at an average of 1.41%

Used in 906 private recipes at an average of 1.62%

Paired with

Custard Premium - Flavour Art 206 times
Cream - Flavorah 136 times
Sweetness - Flavorah 107 times
Sugar Cookie - Capella 92 times
Vanilla Ice Cream - Liquid Barn 90 times
Sweet Coconut - Flavorah 85 times
Cookie - Flavorah 84 times
Custard - Inawera 73 times
Vanilla Custard II - The Flavor Apprentice 70 times
Caramel - Flavorah 68 times
Homogenisation Period
Recipe Profiles
recipe_id Name Description Profile Mixologist Released Flavours Notes Upvotes external_id user_avatar recipe_created recipe_total_flavour_percent recipe_steep_time recipe_updated orig_recipe_id recipe_image
recipe_id Name Description Profile Mixologist Released Flavours Notes Upvotes external_id user_avatar recipe_created recipe_total_flavour_percent recipe_steep_time recipe_updated orig_recipe_id recipe_image

Click the summary to see the note

flavourNoteID flavourID Name Manufacturer Date Summary SF % Mix % Steep(days) Rating FlavourNote Username UserID
flavourNoteID flavourID Name Manufacturer Date Summary SF % Mix % Steep(days) Rating FlavourNote Username UserID