BoysenCran Pumpkin Bread -- Flavor Roulette

"Adding the PUNCH of the Boysenberry to a Cranberry Pumpkin Bread"

A recipe by SessionDrummer

May 4th 2024 22:41

"Mix and wait 1 week"

0 447 2
BoysenCran Pumpkin Bread -- Flavor Roulette
Boysenberry - Flavorah 0.90 %
Cranberry - Flavorah 1.00 %
Eggnog - Flavorah 0.75 %
Frosting - Flavorah 0.60 %
Pumpkin Bread - Flavorah 0.80 %
Pumpkin Spice - Flavorah 0.60 %
Vanilla Pudding - User Defined 1.00 %
Total Flavour5.65%

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Newest Comment (2)

2024-05-05 15:37:57
Thanks @whthek. I can't say that I'm a "fan" of FLV's Pumpkin Bread. The Pumpkin Spice I can use all day long, so this one, was complicated, hehe.

2024-05-05 00:48:02
Eggnog, and Frosting! Nice, different combo! Sounds Yummy, SD.