Hobbiton: South Farthing

"Ones of the Shire's finest pipweeds"

A recipe by SquirrelSmash

December 1st 2023 20:48

"Mix and wait 4 weeks"

0 339 0
Hobbiton: South Farthing
Black for Pipe - Inawera 0.75 %
Cavendish - Flavorah 0.25 %
Native Tobacco - Flavorah 0.75 %
Perique - Stixx Mixx - User Defined 0.95 %
Salmiakki - Flavorah 0.85 %
Tatanka Tobacco - Flavorah 0.75 %
Tobacco DNB (Dirty Neutral Base) - Inawera 0.35 %
Total Flavour4.65%

The final form of a gift blend: 



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